I knew there were incentives in place for vaccinating, and ordering cancer screening tests, but this is beyond my suspicions. I'm 67 years old and have never had a mammogram or colonoscopy, haven't had a papsmear or vaccination of any kind in 30 years and only did it then because I was basically forced upon me. I didn't have medical insurance for 30 years but do have Medicare now, which I haven't used so far. Only have a Naturopathic doctor. I have zero faith in the medical industry to provide me with the best advise regarding my health. I know there are good doctors out there, they are just difficult to find. Thank you, Meghan for this informative article.

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Vaccines, statins, blood pressure meds, fat medicines (ozempic), screenings: modern medicine is a scam☠️

Going to see a doctor is hazardous to your health.

Hospitals are modern day gas chambers.

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. In fact, reimbursement with private insurance is higher when a child receives more than three vaccine doses at their well visit, financially incentivizing doctors to administer as many vaccine doses as possible..

This could be deadly. The child's body then becomes overwhelmed with all the crap in the vaxxes. Giving multiple jabs (3 or more) is a recipe for disaster. But, if the whole idea is to depopulate.......

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This is medical fraud and extreme malpractice. It is the definition of malpractice to recommend an experimental, unsafe, and ineffective substance when the risks far outweigh the benefits - especially when talking about children. This is unacceptable!

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Everyone says the doctors "care" and want to help people overcome sickness and disease. What a load of crap. They are the same greedy SOB's that are now running the world.

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Vaccines are poisons



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The CDC is a captured regulatory agency and has become a vaccine company no different than the disgusting mega pharmaceutical industry companies that also own the media.

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I won't name all the Doctors complicit in the crimes yet. There are thousands.

Podcast exposing the fraud!

Promoting an early treatment for a disease not yet isolated. No records found!


The Virology Pseudoscience!


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